Joining a meeting?
The one stop shop for your agile lean-coffee meetings
Run your agenda-less agile meetings smoothly, and delight your participants - no matter where they are in the world.
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As simple as the real thing
Create a meeting in seconds, then join with just a link. Create discussion topics quickly, and spend time on what matters.
Straight-forward meeting management
Complete your agile meetings, then either roll over incomplete topics, or archive for posterity.
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Want a different retrospective format? We have got you covered!
✔️To Do, In Progress, Done
✔️What went well, What didn't go well
✔️Start, Stop, Continue
✔️Mad, Sad, Glad
✔️Liked, Learned, Longed for
✔️Wishes, Risks, Appreciation, Puzzles
✔️Sunshine, Anchors, Winds and Clouds, Rocks and Pirates
✔️Future Considerations, Lessons Learned, Accomplishments, Problem Areas
✔️Enablers, Blockers, Liked, Disliked
Choose your plan
Free Forever
We are currently in Beta - No Limitations!
Frequently asked questions
What is lean coffee?
"Lean Coffee" is a style of structured but agenda-less meeting. Partipants gather and build an agenda. Each agenda item is discussed for a fixed amount of time, but can be extended through a democratic vote.